Facebook Community Standards
Retrieved March 2021, reference: https://www.facebook.com/communitystandards/fraud_deception
5. Fraud and deception
Content that provides instructions on, engages in, promotes, coordinates, encourages, facilitates, admits to, recruits for, admits to the offering, or solicitation of any of the following activities:
- Deceiving others to generate a financial or personal benefit to the detriment of a third party or entity through:
- Loan scams
- Advance fee scams
- Ponzi or pyramid schemes
- Money or cash flips or money muling
- Investment scams with promise of high rates of return
Inauthentic identity scams:
- Charity scams
- Romance or impersonation scams
- Establishment of false businesses or entities
Product or rewards scams:
- Grant and benefits scams
- Tangible, spiritual or illuminati scams
- Insurance scams, including ghost broking
- Fake jobs, work from home or get-rich-quick scams
- Debt relief or credit repair scams
Engaging with others to generate a financial or personal benefit at a loss for a third party, such as people, businesses or organisations through:
- Fake documents or financial instruments by:
Creating, selling or buying of:
- Fake or forged documents
- Fake or counterfeit currency or vouchers
- Fake or forged educational and professional certificates
Stolen information, goods or services by:
- Credit card fraud and goods or property purchases with stolen financial information
- Personally identifiable information
- Fake and misleading user reviews or ratings
- Future exam papers or answer sheets
- Credentials for subscription services
- Betting manipulation, e.g. match fixing